Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why Hello There!

Well I guess I should Start this off by introducing myself,
This Is Me  :)  haha
Hey I'm Heather and I'm 24 almost 25 years old and I live in Taunton, Mass.
I moved here from a very small town called Oxford, Ny. where everyone knows everyone and all your neighbors spy on you to make sure you're not up to no good. lol I miss it sometimes but then I remember that there is nothing there... besides my family whom I love very much and then I'm ok with just visiting every now and again.

Well ok a little bit about me ...
I live here in Mass with my friend Josh who's father let's me live in the spare room of their house. It's wicked cool cause rent is cheap and the company is usually fun. My friends come over pretty much everyday to chill and we go play in the woods or cemetry across the road. Mostly I chill with the love of my life Jon,
I Heart My Jon
and we go hiking in the woods looking for edible plants and random wildlife, or we go chill and talk about random shit for hours in my room and cuddle or whatever else we happen to want to do at that certian portion of time.
I paint too but not so much lately. I've been having an issue with painter's block. haven't felt inspired enough to paint yet in almost 5 to 6 months now. I just haven't the urge. Lately i've been making soap, hats, and candles.... but no painting saddly.... But I love making stuff whether it be cooking, building, playing, creating, crocheting, knitting, painting, drawing, sculpting.... If it's fun and keeps me busy I'll most likely try it. I love Arts and Crafts so much. They have always been a big part of my life.
When I was growing up my brother and I didn't get to go on vacations to disney land and have crazy mini malls and fancy stores everywhere in sight, we lived in a quiet old retirement town, and we weren't dirt poor but we weren't too rich either lol but we made it by with what we had. We never went hungry my parents were cool like that, and I know some people's parents weren't so I condsider myself very lucky in that fact. But anyways, My mom always made sure we had fun little arts and crafts to do when we got bored of playing outside and whatnot. We would build all sorts of crap. I remember my mom building everyone their holloween costumes and I got to help we made a giant Deady bear that an adult could wear, and another time my mom made me into a spider with 8 legs attached to me and everything.... I get a lot of my creativity from that women and I am very thankful for that.
But yeah we didn't have a lot of money so we made a lot of stuff instead of going out and wasting our money on dumb toys that would just be laying around the house doing nothing in a few days anyway.

But because of My crafty mom, my Creative loveing dad and my history with the Girl scouts (Before they started doing dumb scrap books and did cool camping survival stuff) I can pretty much figure out how to make mostly whatever I need. My main goal in life is to be self sufficient some day and live off the grid in my own world in the woods someplace with my loved ones.... :) it probably won't happen... but a girl can dream.

But I guess right at this point in my life I'm at my first real crossroad. I want to start my own business, I'm tired of working for these corporate companies that don't give a rat's ass about their employees. I've been in the work force either doing random little jobs or babysitting or pizza making, cashiering, managing, supervising for 7 years now.... it's pretty much all the same crap no matter how far up the ladder you climb. if you care about people in these corporate settings they look upon it as weakness and they will use you up as fast as they can and spit you out again. So rather then be in a rush to hurry up and find another job in that horrible world, after recently being laidoff because of these awesome economic times, i've decided to work for myself this summer while i'm collecting, to see if having my own business is a good idea or not.
So far to date I have made 26 sales on my Etsy store... and I've been open since January 2009 when I put my first listings up.

I make silly Hats that look like cartoon animals that can wear you. They make people smile and laugh when they see them .... so I enjoy making them a lot and I love that they make people laugh and giggle, and sometime even socially awkward (ei, those people that completely ignore that fact that you have a elephant attached to your head....they try to act like they don't notice it ... it's fun really)
Crazy Hat Society

but I make those and all natural Handmade Hemp oil Blended Soaps which smell so good that you'll want to try to eat them. but don't eat soap cause it's not good for you.
Awesome Smelling Soaps!!

I also sell my boyfriend's 100% soy wax candles too, which compliment the soaps very nicely.
Light these puppies up for an hour your entire house will smell of that scent... no joke!

Right now in my shop I'm working on making Endangered Species Hats, that when you adopt them you also are adopting an endangered species in real life too from the World Wildlife Foundation.
Adopt a Silly Hat and An Endangered Species All at The Same Time!!

But yeah That's what I do as of right now...
I make custom Orders for hats too if anyone would like one.
Any Animal, Object, creature, custom drawn idea.... etc...
Your mind is an oyster, be as creative as you would like to be!

I've never had a blog before but I think I will enjoy it. I like to write random thought all the time. most of the time it might not make a whole lot of sence but just think of it as if someone was talking out loud really.
I will try to post updates about my Etsy shop and New found Business Ownershipness... lol and my ever chaotic life and it's ever growing insane amount of crazy thoughts :)

Hopefully I'm not too crazy for you all
if so.... don't worry
life isn't that serious anyways.

~Create Beauty~
My Etsy's Front Page

Buy Handmade

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